
e-Newsletter Issue 5 February 2025


HEALTHY SAILING Project Status Update Updates from the Coordination Over the last two years of project implementation, HEALTHY SAILING has aimed to provide an integrated, evidence-based methodological approach to improve passenger shipping service quality, facilitate pandemic recovery and make passenger shipping safer, more resilient, competitive, and efficient. These activities have produced evidence to feed project guidelines, outputs, and training. The consortium is focusing on completing intervention studies and moving from the verification phase to the integration phase. Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport and Ports 2024 HEALTHY SAILING partners made a significant impact at the Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport [...]

e-Newsletter Issue 5 February 20252025-03-07T13:05:08+02:00

e-Newsletter Issue 4 August 2024


HEALTHY SAILING Project Status Update Updates from the Coordination Over the next months, the coordination team at University of Thessaly (UTH) is focusing on theorganisation of the next General Assembly meeting, scheduling internal webinars for thepartnership, and coordinating a Round Table dedicated to HEALTHY SAILING at the “Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport and Ports 2024: Innovations in infectious diseasescontrol and occupational health” which will take place on 18-19 October 2024 (hybrid event).Moreover, UTH is facilitating the planning and implementation of intervention studies, pilot-testsand technological demonstrations, by ensuring access to cruise ships and smooth execution ofthe research protocols. Interim Periodic Report [...]

e-Newsletter Issue 4 August 20242024-09-16T09:00:10+03:00

e-Newsletter Issue 3 February 2024


HEALTHY SAILING Project Status Update In February 2024 the HEALTHY SAILING project reached a pivotal milestone, as it just crossed 1.5 years of implementation. The initiation phase has been completed and the project is now at the development phase. Here, assessment of proposed prevention, mitigation and management (PMM) measures are undertaken through a range of modelling activities, while their verification is being done through a validation phase, which will include pilot-test studies, technological demonstrations and behavioural change surveys. Updates from the Coordination UTH is coordinating currently the inclusion of a round table dedicated at the HEALTHY SAILING project in the programme [...]

e-Newsletter Issue 3 February 20242024-03-12T10:12:48+02:00

e-Newsletter Issue 2 August 2023


HEALTHY SAILING Project Status Update In September the project will complete its first year of implementation and is currently finalizing the initiation phase of evidence accumulation. During this phase, data collection and assessment of infection disease per ship type/port facility is being conducted. Of the 52 tasks in the HS project, one is completed, 31 are in progress, 7 are in the initiation phase and 13 have not started yet.   Updates from the Coordination UTH as project coordinator is tasked with performing day-to-day technical, financial and contract management, establishing project working groups and continuously communicating with all partners regarding project [...]

e-Newsletter Issue 2 August 20232023-10-12T12:23:51+03:00

e-Newsletter Issue 1 February 2023


The HEALTHY SAILING project The consortium The HEALTHY SAILING project represents a consortium of 24 members from 10 universities, 2 governmental public health institutes, 5 research or training institutes, one scientific NGO, 5 shipping companies and one engineering company. General objective The project’s general objective is to improve the quality of passenger shipping services brought to society, facilitating recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and making the passenger shipping sector safer, more resilient, competitive and efficient. This will be achieved by producing evidence for infection control, validated prevention, mitigation and management (PMM) measures and training, intended for use in policymaking and ship [...]

e-Newsletter Issue 1 February 20232023-10-12T12:23:38+03:00
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